Ethical Brand Directory

Here is an ethical brand directory featuring fair trade, ethical, eco-friendly, and/or sustainable companies that we love. This directory is meant to help the conscious consumer make better and more informed purchasing decisions.

It’s hard to figure out which brands are ethical and which brands are just greenwashing. This ethical brand directory was compiled to make it easier for you to tell which brands are doing good for people and the planet.

Our goal is to make it easier for consumers to shop their values and to support brands that are in alignment with their morals and beliefs! We cannot shop our way to a better future, but that does not mean that we cannot make better purchasing decisions. Every time we make a purchase, we are voting with our dollars. This is why it is so important to be mindful about who we are giving our money to.

Before shopping the directory, please remember to be mindful about your purchases and to only buy what you need or what you love.

If you are interested in being featured in the directory, please email or click here to add a listing. All listings are reviewed for approval to make sure they fit our values.

Also, please let us know if there are any companies you would like to see added to this list! Thank you so much and happy shopping!

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