I know there have been a lot of memes going around, making fun of the ‘new year, new me’ motto we tell ourselves each year. Although the memes are funny, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with setting a few goals for yourself. I personally prefer to set goals for myself. When I have a clear cut goal, I know exactly where I need to focus my time and energy. And let me tell you, if I don’t have a clear goal set, I become a hot mess (which may explain why I’m on my 5th year of college, jk). But seriously, goals are great. Let’s stop giving them a bad rep!

2017 Goals

1. Be more intentional with my purchases

Last year, my thrifting was out of hand. I was thrift shopping, twice a week every week, which resulted in piles and piles of clothes. When I realized my thrifting was I problem I tried to reduce those piles of clothes. As a result, I donated so many items that I had never even worn. This year, I am going to create a shopping list and try stick to only the items on that list.

2. Consume Less, Create More

At first I created this goal in regards to social media, because my social media use is out of control! But I am going to apply this goal to every aspect of my life. I am going to draw more, write more, create more content, and maybe even do some thrifted DIY projects. No matter what I do, I am going to create something new every day (overly ambitious? Maybe. But totally possible!)

Stop Shopping Fast Fashion

For those of you who haven’t seen the Netflix documentary, The True Cost be sure to check it out. The documentary is extremely eye opening. It explores how fast fashion companies such as Forever 21, H&M, and Zara are creating clothing at such large quantities that it is destroying our environment. It also discusses the poor working conditions of factory workers.

We all know fast-fashion companies create inexpensive copies of high-end products. But fast-fashion companies have also been known to rip off small, independent designers (read the story here & here)

If it were up to me I would have a completely thrifted wardrobe…well maybe a 95% thrifted wardrobe. If I have to buy an item I don’t feel comfortable thrifting, like underwear, I am aiming to shop ethically and/or shop small. (There’s a meme going around that claims when you buy from a small business an actual person does a happy dance). I am 100% down to support a entrepreneur’s dance party.

What are your goals for 2017?