
My Most Worn Summer Outfits

My Most Worn Summer Outfits

Aah, summer is coming to an end. My summer was mostly spent indoors, but I did make it to the beach with loved ones, so for that, I'm satisfied. I mostly spent the summer watching some amazing shows. Some of those being White Lotus, I literally binged this in like two...

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3 Thrifted Summer Outfit Ideas

3 Thrifted Summer Outfit Ideas

Looking for some cute thrifted outfit ideas? Well I'm here to help! I thought it would be fun to do a roundup of my favorite thrifted summer outfits worn on the blog, Can we agree that summer fashion is the best because it's super cute and super easy? It's okay if you...

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Dear Fast Fashion – A Break Up Letter

Dear Fast Fashion – A Break Up Letter

Dear Fast-Fashion, You and I have had some great times together and you once made me so happy, but I think it’s time we go our separate ways... I’ve been feeling this way for a few years now, and I know my timing sucks since it's almost Valentine’s Day, but I really...

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“Not So Spooky” Fall Fashion with Passion Lilie

“Not So Spooky” Fall Fashion with Passion Lilie

My spring and summer consisted of mostly pajamas and loungewear because I was working from home, not taking any non-essential trips, and also facing recovery from an accident. Let's just say I've been super comfy & cozy since March. Now that it's Fall, I wanted to...

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